Monday, January 27, 2014

Cave State – s/t 7” – To Live A Lie Records

I hate hyperbole used for anything other than outrage.  You know that guy.  Every movie he sees is the most epic movie he’s ever watched.  According to him, that show you missed because you had to work, happened to be the most quintessential set from that band ever and you really missed out, man.  Every brisket sandwich he eats is the moistest BBQ he’s ever had.  It drives me insane, but here I am, trying to conceptualize this review without being that guy.

California powerviolence Cro-Magnons, Cave State, put out their demo tape in mid-2013, but I didn’t get a copy until December when my car got stolen.   The cops found it and the cd player was gone, so I had the original cassette player installed and decided to pick up some cassettes, a trend I’ve been vehemently against (hyperbole used for outrage).   I put the tape in, had to rewind it to the beginning, struggled trying to determine if I was listening to side A or side B; basically all the things everyone has always hated about cassettes since their first go around.  However, the first 13 seconds of opening track, “Dwell”, hit and I knew I was listening to a killer.  It happened that quickly.  So, fast forward to January and the s/t 7”, out on To Live A Lie, showed up at my door and I was pleased to see the 7 songs from the demo were included with 4 new tracks wrapped nicely in a bi-folded jacket with photo artwork and lyrics.

So, how can this be so good?  I mean, it’s just another powerviolence record, right?  Well, not every rack of ribs churned out in Kansas City is the same.  I mean, for the most part they’re all spare ribs, cut St. Louis style and sauced, but despite this proven formula, subtle differences exist due to cooking conditions, ingredients, quality of butcher, etc.  For me, what makes Cave State so good is their individual formula.  They check mark every criteria box that I have for this genre.  Their groove to speed ratio is in perfect balance.  They throw in just enough sludge to pop the fast parts, making for a cohesive record.  They bring the intros as well, I’d like the first 14 seconds of “Bludgeon” to play every time I walked into the room.  “Carving on the Wall” is another standout, trench digging intro that ruptures into controlled pissed off barks of disgust.  I even thought the Marsellus Wallace sound bite fit at the beginning of “Fossilized Machine.”  Another thing that separates this record from other recent powerviolence releases is its memorable moments.    The slow buildup in “Self Extinct” and “superior piece of shit!” from“Rival Tribe” are just a few.  This is an album that I continually think about playing as opposed to moving on to the next “sure to be best of ‘14” release.  For me, Cave State's s/t 7" comes across as a more West Coast sounding "State Property", which is about the highest praise I can give.

So, is this the best thing I ever heard?  Not quite, maybe, I’m not sure…yet, but it's damn good.  It is good enough that when blasting it in my car, I may as well be rolling in Grave Digger.  It’s good enough that when I’m jamming it at the gym, I don’t ever need a spotter.  It’s good enough that when I turn it up to 11 at home I have to wear gym shorts.   I mean, how else am I supposed to dance with this erection?

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