Awhile back I was able to catch up with long time homie and Kansas City’s Altered Beast frontman, Ryan Leach, to talk Beast and life.
There are some familiar faces in Altered Beast. Tell us
who’s in the band and how Altered Beast came about.
Guitarist Max from ex- Kicked In had been helping me with my
zine, Beyond Four Walls, and approached me to do vocals for a project. He pretty much started the idea. He and Dakota had been kicking it playing
guitar and going to shows together. They
wrote a song and brought it over to me.
I played drums to it at first, but I couldn’t count it out. I was jamming with Daniel from Sorry Excuse,
We’re Fucked on drums in another project.
It never went anywhere so I hit him up to try out. He slayed the tryout and we started to write
songs really fast. After jamming for a
couple months, we approached Stephen to jump on bass. He hadn’t played for a while and needed to
get back into it. After hitting it for
another couple month’s we put together a set and played our first show with Cross
Examination at Vandals venue in KCMO. It
took a while to get the name. They all
seem to be taken. For real. Without thinking too hard about it, the name
Altered Beast sealed the deal.
In the past I just found good friends to jam with. With my first band Punchline, we were more of
a rock the party kind of band. The
lyrics were more fun oriented. I didn’t
have as much life to write about back then.
As the years have went by, I earned more experiences under my belt and
started writing more heartfelt lyrics. I
always had a metal hardcore vibe with my vocals. But with this band I’m trying to make it
sound way heavier than any of my other projects. I grew up on a lot of different styles. This band is faster, and more raw than any
other band I’ve been in. The songs are
short and to the point. I feel like we
are working a new sound, we aren’t rehashing an old formula. It has made it difficult to figure out where
we fit in though.
What’s Altered Beast about from a lyrical standpoint? Where
do you draw your lyrical influences?
I like the gruff sound of Harm’s Way. But, I get really descriptive and use a lot
of words. Some of the areas have a
Buried Alive kinda straight up hardcore vocal.
I did bite a little Chris Barnes (SFU, Cannibal Corpse) on some of my little screams. There is always a Rick Ta Life influence in
my delivery.
As far as topics, the demo is reality based.
Force Fed is based on the negative reaction I have when
opinions and lifestyles get shoved down my throat. It is really just an all around pissed song.
Lost Not Found- Is about being a parent and
apparent in your kids life. The song
details a lot of descriptions of shitty parents I have seen these past
years. I have three kids, and I know how challenging it is to be a good influence. But shit man, if you can’t walk the walk,
piss off. Don’t drag your kids down with
My Own Hands- Describes being in a relationship where you
can’t keep from fighting and draining your situation of all positives. Whether you are beating the crap out of each
other, or sweating all the dumb shit.
Life is too short, but when you play like that, all you can blame is
Come Clean- This song puts it all on the table. Fuck it, no secrets. If you are messing up, don’t disguise
it. Don’t cover it up. There is an empowerment to admitting you
fucked up, or are fucking up.
Stolen-All about having your years taken from you just to
make ends meet. Living to work. You ever work at a job where they don’t
deserve you and you feel like you are losing your time? If so, then you’ve been…stolen.
I would love it to grow.
Into what, I’m not sure. We are
just holding down Kansas City for now.
Some of us have responsibilities like families and jobs that keep us
from ever doing extensive touring. I
just wanted a band to have as an outlet.
It really is the only place I enjoy my time away from family. I love this stuff. I need this stuff. I hope that we can continue to put out new
songs and keep the KC scene in motion.
I feel like it is our turn to
help to keep Kansas City Hardcore/Metal flowing. For now the next step is to officially
release the demo in November (2014). We are
doing a tape pressing.
I saw you guys play a show in KC with Noisem. At one point
you involved your young son while Altered Beast was playing (very cool moment,
btw). Can you talk about the challenges/rewards of having a family, a full time
job to provide and still making time to play in a band and contribute to a
music scene?
I am glad you thought that was cool. My boy just turned four. He is a natural rocker. We mosh in the bathroom together to music when
I give him baths. I wanted to take him
to that show to give him a memory of me doing something I love. Most the time he see’s me stressing out about
money and life stuff. It was really cool
when we did that set because he wasn’t scared at all. He had his headphones on and was just
chilling. He kept running up to have
drinks of my water. Haha. I’m squatting there screaming my balls out
while my son is sitting on my lap drinking my water and hanging out. I love all age’s shows for that reason. My three kids know that music is my
passion. I hope that my inability to
grow out of hardcore/metal will show them down the road that I was a cool
Dad. At least I hope.
As far as meshing the schedules, it really only takes one
practice a week. All these older dudes
say they don’t have time for a band.
Fuck that. Once a week is good
enough. In the meanwhile do your
homework at home, and bring the venom to practice. I jam at practice like I’m playing a
show. All in. I hope that I am a positive example to my
kids by showing them that success isn’t measured by money or fame. I find satisfaction in doing my art.
There seems to be a fairly tight-knit group of people and
bands in the KC scene. You’ve been around for a bit, give us your State of the
KC Scene. What bands are setting it off in or around KC? What improvements
would you like to see regarding the scene?
Beta Boys, No Master, Spine, Blindside USA, Amenaza KS, No
Class, Canyons, Inner Alter, Hossferatu,
and many more!
As far as how the scene can improve, I think more bands need
to find members that aren’t playing in a million bands. James Rumsey left KC and that broke up like
three or four bands. Hardcore and Punk
have always had a shortage of players, but they are out there. You just gotta step outside your comfort
level to find them. When you have a band
that is comprised of members that are only in your band, it helps to make the
band more stable. Too many bands with
one person can lead to an inbreeding meltdown of creativity and motivation. If you are going to try multiple bands, play
a different instrument in the other bands.
That way you aren’t spreading yourself too thin with creativity and
Altered Beast gets to be part of a 4-way split 12” and you
get to pick the other 3 bands. What bands do you choose and why?
I love this question.
I’m going to stick with active, current bands.
Ringworm, All Out War, Noisem
Ringworm, because all of us love them. They play an accurate thrash metal style with
hardcore elements. Same with All Out
War. They have always stayed super metal
and never cheesy. And finally
Noisem, because they are the future of
thrash metal hardcore. Those kids are on
top of the momentum right now, they are the real deal. Dirty thrash, with energy exhausting
Be on the lookout around KC for Altered Beast!
Be on the lookout around KC for Altered Beast!